Optimize team performance effortlessly with MapMyTeams.

MapMyTeams offers intuitive tools and real-time insights to streamline workforce management, enhancing productivity and collaboration.


Why Choose Us

Real-Time Insights

Access valuable real-time data and analytics to make informed decisions, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Enhanced Productivity

Maximize efficiency with dynamic attendance tracking and task creation, empowering teams to achieve more in less time.

Foster Collaboration

Promote collaboration with seamless task assignment and real-time analytics, enhancing project outcomes.

Financial Transparency

Ensure financial accountability and control with clear insights for informed decision-making on project budgets and expenses.

Key Features

Attendance Reports

Unlock workforce insights with dynamic geographic attendance tracking and reporting for optimized productivity.

Create Projects/Tasks

Streamline collaboration by effortlessly generating and assigning tasks within MapMyTeams.

Efficient payroll

Simplifying salary management with precision and ease.

Seamless Account Ledger

Simplify financial management with integrated account ledgers for transparent budget tracking.


Subscription Plans

Billing will be done on number of employees at the start of month

Small Businesses

₹ 250 +GST

Monthly per Employee

  • Businesses with less than 10 Employees

Medium Businesses

₹ 200 +GST

Monthly per Employee

  • Businesses with 10 to 50 Employees


₹ 150 +GST

Monthly per Employee

  • Businesses with Employees greater than 50